MUZINT: Blockchain Technology Empowers Artists in the Music Industry

Advantages Provided by MUZINT

2023-10-11 09:12:44 - HILAL ISIK

The music industry has long been grappling with challenges that hams artists’ success and creative freedom. Copyright issues, limited control over content, and unfair income distribution are just some of the challenges artists face. With the advent of Blockzinciri technology, MUZINT is a decentralized music platform that allows artists to own, publish and earn money by giving them full authority to their work fairly.

One of the most important advantages of MUZINT. There is a unique reward system for artists. There is a reward system for artists such as those who perform best, those whose works are on the best list. There is a process on the MUZINT platform that will allow artists to get more shares from traditional platforms. While artists have only 12% share in the traditional industry here, MUZINT generates 90% revenue. The remaining 10% income distribution is allocated for the improvement of the platform.

As a result, MUZINT has leveraged blockchain technology to empower artists in the music industry. MUZINT breaks down the challenges artists face in the traditional music environment, providing a decentralized platform for artists to have full authority over their work, publishing and making money. It offers libertarian platform and financial independence by offering a fair income, full authority and a unique reward system.


Director of Public Relations and International Affairs Department

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