Intdest Finance: The Financial Ecosystem of the Future

The evolution of two-way partnership

2023-10-02 08:09:48 - KEMAL ISIK

Intdest Finance will be designed as an organization that coordinates the financial movements of the INTDEST ecosystem. In the future, it will be shaped as a broad ecosystem, including the addition of new ecosystems depending on the mergers with different technology companies.

Colleagues: Senior economists and strategists who have retired from the World Bank, gained experience in fund management companies at different levels around the world, selected from countries with advanced economies and military levels will form the management unit.

Various analyst and strategist units will be established depending on the requirements of digital currency markets, foreign exchange markets, precious metals markets and regional agricultural markets.

INTDEST Finance will generally manage INTDEST's revenue sources and distributions on projects. He will work in areas such as digital currency and foreign exchange management, investment, borrowing, risk management and insurance measures. It will also include income management, spending and saving processes.

INTDEST Tech, through INTDEST Finance, will contribute strategically to achieving long- and short-term goals and provide a strategic basis for making economic decisions to the entire ecosystem.

In the future, INTDEST Tech aims to go public on different stock exchanges around the world and plans to offer its shares to the public at its regional headquarters.

Intdest Finance will form the strong financial foundation of the INTDEST ecosystem and will have an important role for its future growth and success. Together with his team of experts in financial markets, he will work to expand the boundaries of the ecosystem and offer advanced technological solutions. This will increase the adoption of the INTDESTCOIN project and contribute to the development of the digital economy.

Kemal ISIK CEO - INTDEST Technology - Blockchain Developer / INTD | X Project / Author And Ideator

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